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Check out what's been happening in our school and in ISD 279-Osseo Area Schools.

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Refreshed website to debut Sept. 7!

Families, staff members, and the community at large can look forward to a refreshed Osseo Area Schools website that is set to launch on Saturday, Sept. 7.

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words now hiring in yellow font with dark blue background

Osseo Area Schools’ Community Education programs are currently seeking dedicated individuals to fill a variety of roles this school year. This is a unique opportunity to explore an exciting career that makes a positive impact on our entire community through innovative and responsive programs and services.

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  • Community Education
A group of students with their principal, smiling on the playground with their arms up

We can't wait to begin a new year in Osseo Area Schools! Don't forget to mark your calendars for the first day of school on Tuesday, Sept. 3. 

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kids at an end of the year celebration at a park

The end of the school year is always filled with fun events at schools across the district. Here are a few events that have taken place at elementary and middle schools during the last week of school!

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